Links that made us think: False confessions, gilded cages, Keystone XL, and stopping the Islamic State

This is the first of what will become weekly posts highlighting outside articles that made us think. If you came across articles that made you think this week, please post them in the comments! From Matt: What ISIS really wants (Graeme Wood, The Atlantic). What should we do to combat the Islamic State? Most agree that something…

Discussion: What changes can we make to our social, political and legal institutions to improve gender equity in Canada?

On September 20 last year, Emma Watson gave a widely acclaimed speech at the United Nations, launching the HeForShe campaign – one aimed at starting a broader conversation and building a broader coalition to promote global gender equity. Gender equity is important, but can be difficult to talk about in public forums. Having broad conversations about gender equity is…

Bigger circles, more circles: Redrawing the lines for gender equity

–Karen B.K. Chan– Karen B.K. Chan is a sex educator and emotional literacy trainer in Toronto, Canada. This article is part of a Discussion addressing the question, ‘What changes can we make to our social, political and legal institutions to improve gender equity in Canada?’. In Canadian social policy and human service sectors, gender equity conventionally refers…