Why I canceled my Globe and Mail subscription

As those close to me know, I’m a huge news junkie – especially Canadian news. In recent years, The Globe and Mail has been my primary source. Reading it on my phone while waking up has been part of my daily routine I rarely miss. Even though I could catch up on all of the headlines…

Endorsing integrity in government

-The Expat- The Beginning I remember Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s first day in office. It was almost a decade ago, in what seemed to be an entirely different country than the one we live in today. It was a country where foul play could literally bring down a government; Paul Martin’s Liberals had just succumbed to…

Harper is only making things worse for pipelines

-Jared Milne- Pipelines are a major political issue in Canada. Getting oil to market is seen as critical to Alberta’s economy. They are a high priority for Stephen Harper’s government, so why has there been so little progress on pipelines? Unfortunately, many of Ottawa’s actions have only damaged the oilsands’ image, and weakened public support…

Election 2015 Discussion 3: Who should Canadians vote for?

We’ve debated the 2015 budget; we’ve debated the policies and platforms. With one week remaining in the campaign, it’s time to decide who we will be voting for. Several news outlets have already made endorsements: The Toronto Star and La Presse for the Liberals; The National Post for the Conservatives on the economy (they are…

Policy proposal: Create a Crown corporation for telecom

-Chris Logel- According to a 2013 OECD Report, Canadians pay some of the highest prices for some of the worst telecom services in the industrialized world. For example, for most data-only plans (used by iPads and tablets) Canada is one of the most expensive countries in the OECD; we’re lagging in 32nd place out of…