We enabled the rise of Trump. We have to own it.

I understand that many of us feel hurt, scared and angry. This is especially true for the many among my friends and family who are religious minorities, racial minorities, LGBTQ+, or women: people who have felt personally targeted by Trump’s words, actions, and those of some of his supporters. I understand that the natural reaction…

Academia’s conservative problem

In the halls of the academy, data suggest that conservatives are both more underrepresented and more heavily discriminated against than most other traditionally underrepresented groups (though other groups certainly may face greater barriers before they get to the academy). To kick off this week’s #DiversityJC discussion, here are some thoughts on why this is a problem for…

Diversity makes us uncomfortable – that is why it makes us better

Research has shown that diverse environments are the most innovative, and that diversity makes us better thinkers. We are forced to challenge our beliefs and assumptions when we immerse ourselves in an environment filled with people whose experiences and opinions are different. Facing differing opinions forces us to make sound, well-articulated and evidence-based arguments for what…

Bigger circles, more circles: Redrawing the lines for gender equity

–Karen B.K. Chan– Karen B.K. Chan is a sex educator and emotional literacy trainer in Toronto, Canada. This article is part of a Discussion addressing the question, ‘What changes can we make to our social, political and legal institutions to improve gender equity in Canada?’. In Canadian social policy and human service sectors, gender equity conventionally refers…